What's new in the Punchzee app

We're actively working together with our customers to build Punchzee into the best possible project management app. Most of the new features and bug fixes are done thanks to customer feedback.

Version 1.8.43-1.8.48(2024/05/08)


  • Reports can be shared between multiple projects
  • Assignment groups list is now searchable
  • Submissions now get correct color with multiple marker color fields
  • Option to add default marker color on a task form
  • In-app camera to solve power/memory saving issues on Android
  • Added button to settings to clear local device cache
  • Marker gray-out feature when using plans between multiple projects
  • Auto-enhancement button to single submission views
  • Improved task form builder
  • Custom marker icons
  • Spellchecking to task forms
  • Report emailing function
  • Improved child/clonable form sorting
  • UI/UX improvements

Bug fixes

  • Re- Fixed bug where submissions navigation would show up when it should not
  • Fixed bug with multiple markers bouncing at the same time
  • Downloaded reports now get more user friendly names
  • Manually synced submissions no longer fail to sync

Version 1.8.37-1.8.42(2024/03/21)


  • Asset library
  • Zapier integration
  • Customer tagging
  • User role cloning
  • Print function to PDF viewer
  • Report generator can be used as API endpoint
  • Report generator can be used as a dataset
  • Custom item labeling to takeoff field
  • Archiving cloned or merged submissions now possible
  • Users can now edit their own permissions if they have user editing permission
  • Preview popup for selected images in task forms
  • Improved local caching strategy
  • Improved UX/UI

Bug fixes

  • Report generation dialog in project view now always shows correct report generators
  • Fixed bug where unknown server error caused local changes on an item to be reset
  • Clonable form fields now sort correctly in a parent form
  • Fixed spacing/new line issues in custom Excel reports
  • Report template editing bug fixed
  • Plan images now load correctly when browser window is reloaded
  • Selecting same image multiple times now works
  • Auto suggest drop downs now update content correctly
  • Fixed an issue with content loading
  • Fixed submission cloning/merging in offline mode
  • Widgets now work in Windows app
  • Widgets now work in iOS app
  • Report generator's filters text now shows correct information
  • Fixed bug with submission merging sometimes missing some data
  • Fixed bug with deleting some content
  • "Done" button of Bluetooth device popup now works

Version 1.8.9-1.8.36(2024/01/08)


  • Rich Text field
  • Search highlighting to Text with data source field
  • Getting started tutorial
  • Text with meta data (and data source) field
  • Submissions merging to project view
  • Submissions deleting to project view
  • Custom task IDs to make it easier to reference them in Excel formulas
  • Customizable settings for report templates
  • Customizable Excel-reports
  • Customizable HTML-reports
  • Take a photo button to browser
  • Auto save function to task form
  • Select/unselect all in submissions/documents lists in project view
  • Add support for imported data groups (assemblies) in takeoff tool
  • Hidable item meta data in takeoff tool
  • Load more button to notifications list
  • Admins can now create submissions from admin project view
  • Attachment function to requests
  • Customer tab to project view
  • Project/user widgets
  • Context aware report generation which allows filtering data based on current user and/or project
  • Report file downloading and sharing in project view
  • Datasets function to manage own datasets and connect them to task forms
  • Task form fields can be made visible and searchable in listings
  • Multi-level customers
  • Viewer info available in reports
  • Tags support in projects/assignments/submissions
  • Assignment visibility controllable with tags
  • Search highlighting to list views
  • Make it possible to update projects on "My projects" page
  • "Update color" checked by default in marker field
  • Possible to generate report out of all submissions in project view without selecting them first
  • UI/UX/performance optimizations

Bug fixes

  • Plan loading bug in project view when page reloaded
  • Hide duplicate report generators in project view
  • Recover incomplete task form when Android OS kills Punchzee app to save battery/memory when using native camera app
  • Don't show "null" as field label when field's label is empty
  • Selecting related submission for a new submission causes in some cases marker state to be lost
  • Bug when multiple takeoff tools in a task form
  • Plan loading bug in a admin request view
  • Cloning a submission on admin page sometimes fails
  • App loading spinner fixed on Chrome
  • Assignment creation in request view doesn't always work
  • Several UI/UX bug fixes

Version 1.8.0-1.8.8(2022/10/13)


  • Programmable task fields
  • General assignments
  • Plan image revisions
  • Task cloning
  • Personal projects for non-admin users
  • Enabled creating assignments in the project view
  • Enabled connecting report generators with assignments
  • Report generation in project view
  • Free draw tool for drawing plan images
  • Segment drawing tool for drawing plan images
  • Laser measurement tool (Bosch) integration for drawing plan images
  • Sharable links for report files
  • PDF reports can be sent for signing
  • Multi-selection and multi-download to project view's Documents tab
  • Clone, follow-up and follow-up with data functions in project view's Submissions tab
  • Per user unit system
  • PDF file support to automations
  • Submission ID shown in every submission view
  • Pan and zoom support to media view
  • Search by ID in every list view
  • All list views searchable
  • Tabs moved down in project view and plan editing view
  • Project view's tabs and logic improved
  • Next/prev image buttons to plan editing page
  • Auto enhancement button to plan editing view
  • Admin can now update marker when cloning submission
  • Improved Gantt chart
  • Copy-and-paste support on email and options fields
  • Improved getting started guidance
  • New menu
  • Latest active workspace recovered after re-login
  • New item attachment logic
  • View lazy loading for faster initial app load
  • Many performance improvements
  • Many UI and UX improvements

Bug fixes

  • Prevent multiple markers getting the same label
  • User now redirected to correct workspace after accepting invitation
  • Pictures with large file size no longer randomly crash the app
  • Allow access to subs tab with sub creation permissions
  • Fixed a bug with removing Documents via admin project view
  • Field filter now showing correctly in filters preview
  • Fixed a bug where selection mode stayed active even when leaving it
  • File name now correct when downloading files on desktop
  • Long plan image scale value should no longer cause failure when saving
  • Widgets now load on desktop apps
  • Menu now correctly opens when dragging
  • Fixed a bug where creating a submission with markups and then attaching related submission breaked the markups
  • Plan image view no longer requires double clicks after clicking controls
  • Fixed a bug where image doesn't load in submission preview
  • Fixed a bug where images didn't correctly save when cloning via admin view
  • User shouldn't be able to add sub via assignment that requires a marker if there is no active marker
  • Updating report generator related to a widget no longer updates the widget
  • Requests can now be created even in projects without plan images
  • Fixed a bug where PDFs with & chars caused issues with plan image processing engine
  • Safari now correctly resizes plan images
  • Removed plan images now show up correctly in reports

Version 1.7.23-1.7.29(2022/02/05)


Bug fixes

Version 1.7.20-1.7.22(2021/09/05)


Bug fixes

Version 1.7.19-1.7.20(2021/08/08)


Bug fixes

Version 1.7.16-1.7.18(2021/08/02)


Bug fixes

Version 1.7.12-1.7.15(2021/06/17)


Bug fixes

Version 1.7.11 (2021/04/05)

Bug fixes

Version 1.7.10 (2021/04/01)


Bug fixes

Version 1.7.9 (2021/03/25)

Bug fixes

Version 1.7.8 (2021/03/25)


Bug fixes

Version 1.7.7 (2021/01/21)

Version 1.7.4-1.7.6 (2020/11/06)

Request Punchzee demo